Self-motivated teenagers with a proven passion to make a difference and stand up against bullying are peer-selected to serve on the Teen Kindness Board. The national board of approximately 20 members meets bi-monthly to guide BAFP "kids for kids" programming, exchange ideas on peer advocacy, bullying prevention & kindness, and raise funds and awareness. All of them make their communities - and the world - a brighter, kinder place!

Members of the Teen Kindness Board (which includes some former Friend Mail Recipients) are selected for their self-motivated initiatives, past and present, of peer advocacy and bullying prevention & kindness activism that has also included Be A Friend Project initiatives.
Many TKB Members are former cast members from either the 2015 debut, 2017 professional run or a licensed production of the middle school show "IT'S EASY! The Friend Strong Musical" that inspired the Be A Friend Project, proving that what kids learn through theater, they never forget!
If you're a teen, or a tween about to be one, looking to do more to make a difference in your community and for peers surviving bullying, read the stats of these Teen Board Members for great ideas to inspire your own!
We currently have 4 OPEN SEATS on the Teen Kindness Board!
Student Upstanders (ages 13-19) who actively engage in Be A Friend Project initiatives are strongly encouraged to APPLY.
Teachers/adults are strongly encouraged to NOMINATE these outstanding Student Upstanders.