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Self-motivated teenagers with a proven passion to make a difference and stand up against bullying are peer-selected to serve on the Teen Kindness Board. The national board of approximately 20 members meets bi-monthly to guide BAFP "kids for kids" programming, exchange ideas on peer advocacy, bullying prevention & kindness, and raise funds and awareness. All of them make their communities - and the world - a brighter, kinder place!

Members of the Teen Kindness Board (which includes some former Friend Mail Recipients) are selected for their self-motivated initiatives, past and present, of peer advocacy and bullying prevention & kindness activism that has also included Be A Friend Project initiatives.

Many TKB Members are former cast members from either the 2015 debut, 2017 professional run or a licensed production of the middle school show "IT'S EASY! The Friend Strong Musical" that inspired the Be A Friend Project, proving that what kids learn through theater, they never forget!

If you're a teen, or a tween about to be one, looking to do more to make a difference in your community and for peers surviving bullying, read the stats of these Teen Board Members for great ideas to inspire your own!

TKB Application/Nomination Form

We currently have 4 OPEN SEATS on the Teen Kindness Board!

Student Upstanders (ages 13-19) who actively engage in Be A Friend Project initiatives are strongly encouraged to APPLY.

Teachers/adults are strongly encouraged to NOMINATE these outstanding Student Upstanders.

Lion Pride

An alumni group for active Teen Kindness Board members when they “age on” from the board, no longer “teens.” Each new member of The Lion Pride will receive a lion trophy in an induction ceremony, and have their name etched into a perpetual plaque, in honor of the work they have done as students to end bullying and create a kinder, more inclusive world.

 Honorary Members 

Kindness Warriors who served on the TKB for a limited time (that ended prior to “aging on” at 20 years old) whose contributions to the TKB, their communities and the BAFP programming continue to inspire us all.

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